Tuesday, August 16
If you want to play the game today you get the following message:
The Faerie Crossword is down so we can make some changes. It should be back soon!
Hopefully it will return soon. As usual you can't know if the game is up or not if you didn't click on the 'Start today's puzzle!' button.
Monday, August 15
Across: 1. crimson 5. dua 6. acara 7. ticklegum 9. art 10. growl 13. bar 14. wand
Down: 1. chiaclown 2. bed 3. pango 4. ant 8. marrow 11. red 12. two
Tomorrow's (Tuesday) answers will be a bit late.
Sunday, August 14
Across: 1. wild 2. felf 4. barbat 5. anewday 6. gun 8. eating 10. dua 11. two 12. ruki 13. von
Down: 1. wellington 3. card 7. neodaq 9. green 10. dive
Saturday, August 13
Across: 4. burgers 6. rock 8. neoflu 10. big 13. thornberry
Down: 1. jub 2. war 3. bearog 5. dubloon 7. kick 9. feed 11. lint 12. warf 14. red 15. bar
Friday, August 12
Across: 4. gone 5. poogle 7. ball 8. paper 10. monty 11. mini
Down: 1. big 2. meuka 3. ursula 4. gem 6. armin 7. boy 9. uni 12. ixi 13. ice
Thursday, August 11
Across: 1. dust 4. five 5. boots 6. bori 9. jellypills 11. map 13. bruce
Down: 2. snot 3. itchy 4. froiler 7. tent 8. die 10. lime 12. pork 14. cry
Wednesday, August 10
Across: 2. dua 4. five 7. ltd 8. cubtooth 12. bar 13. kalora 14. ixi 15. rose
Down: 1. mint 3. ant 5. attack 6. scissors 9. big 10. organic 11. hidden